I fell in love with this song the instant I heard the first line! The idea that I could be with my child as the child that I was, present in the moment without thinking about all of the “grown-up” stuff I needed to get done! What a beautiful reminder to take a moment to try to see our interactions from the perspective of my child. The grocery store feels far less important than hanging upside down on the monkey bars. If we don’t pick up groceries he may not be so happy come dinner time but maybe we can find time for just one more slide! How can we find a common ground? I can be a more present mom today. I can let my inner child come out to play and find space to laugh and dance with my child. They will only be small once. One day they will have their own to-do list of grocery shopping and bill paying and all kinds of not fun chores. We can take a moment to just be with each other on a magical Milkyway Clippership.
Please find a tiny person you love and have a dance on us as you listen to this lovely music.
Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn’t music. ~William Stafford