Uppymama Theia blends vibrant turquoise into sunshine yellow. We were inspired by the goddess of light, mother to Helios the Sun, Eos the Dawn, and Selene the Moon.
Can you imagine parenting those three? She must have done a lot of babwearing! Thankfully your baby will be a lot more comfortable to wear in a wrap than Helios probably was. This wrap is for the days where we struggle but know that our investment in our children will pay off and they will grow up to share their own light with the world. Uppymama Theia will be perfect for beach days and allow you to take the summer sun with you all year through. We’ll be listing this wrap to purchase by draw tomorrow at noon so stay tuned to check out our awesome new draw system and don’t forget to register for your Uppymama account before then to make your entry as simple as possible!