We are really excited about a project that is in the works right now. It’s called “Highly Sought After: A Babywearing Documentary”.
You can visit the Highly Sought After Facebook page for more details on their project but we want to tell you why we’re so supportive of it.
At Uppymama we are constantly discussing the importance of connection and attachment. We see babywearing becoming increasingly visible in mainstream society but there’s still such a long way to go before it becomes a natural part of our culture. For every worn baby we see at the grocery store we see another five babies balanced precariously in a car seat atop a grocery cart. For every parent making dinner with a content baby on his or her back there are many more frustrated and confused as to how to meet their child’s needs as well as their own. We really believe that the power of babywearing has far reaching implications for society. Children with secure attachments grow to be strong, confident, generous people.
“When you are out and about, being seen wearing and nurturing your children in public you are modeling the practice of intuitive parenting to an entire generation of future parents.”
In Western culture images of babywearing, breastfeeding, and natural parenting in the media are competing with the marketing images and budgets of huge corporations who are invested in selling us products that run counter-intuitive to our instincts. The images we see represented in the media make up our parenting schema. Think of the images our culture uses to represent “babies”. These are the words you unscramble in the baby shower games: bottle, soother, stroller, crib. These are the pictures you see on the gift bags, the paper cups and plates. Sure these things can be useful tools when used in an appropriate context but why are they the first images that spring to mind? When our culture depicts “babies” why do we not see breast feeding, mother’s arms and wraps? At Uppymama we are really striving to pass the wisdom to new mothers: you are enough! You are your baby’s natural habitat. You are all your newborn needs.  The Highly Sought After documentary could share these ideas with many parents and parents-to-be. This is a film that can help us rewrite the script for what early parenthood looks like.
“In this world of babywearing you are not just consumers purchasing a product. You are responsible citizens, creating a movement.”
Your love and passion for the textiles being created to carry your babies is making parents who may never have heard of or even considered babywearing take notice. You are doing this work. Your commitment to your children is changing our culture and we are so, so proud of you.
Highly Sought After is a documentary that needs to be made and shared. Raising enough money to get this film made is really important. We have provided Uppymama handwoven wraps to support the Kickstarter campaign because we feel so strongly that this film needs to be exist. Please visit their Kickstarter event and support the making of this film.
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